All of our suppliers have signed up to the Kettlewell Colours Ltd’s Ethical Trading policy. This policy sets the standards by which we aim to build long-term partnerships with our suppliers, and carry out business through transparent and fair means. They include principles of international law such as the ILO’s eight fundamental principles and rights at work which covers no child labour, no forced labour, no discrimination and the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. The policy also incorporates the ETI Base Code and some additional elements covering best practices in wages, working hours, communication to employees, health and safety in the workplace, and environmental and ethical business policies. Our Code of Conduct aims to exceed compliance to global standards. All direct suppliers are required to sign up to our principles. This is followed up by frequent visits by our own employees as well as visits from external auditors. We also require any sub-contractors used in the production process of our styles to sign up to this policy.

We have an additional Child and Young Worker Policy, which aims to strengthen the requirements that no children may be employed, or otherwise used in any capacity within any manufacturing facility used for Kettlewell Colours products. This policy also sets out the process and repercussions should any child labour be found in any facility. All of our Manufacturers and their sub contractors have signed this policy.

We also have an Anti-Bribery and Corruption Policy that both our employees and our suppliers and their subsidiaries have signed to ensure that all business is conducted in an open, honest and ethical manner.