Happy birthday! - the Colour Club turns one
International Women's Day is in just a couple of days, on 8th March, and we're thrilled that our own celebration of the women who have become the heart of the Kettlewell community falls so close to it. Because a year ago today (6th March), we at Kettlewell had just embarked on what would turn out to be one of our biggest and best adventures.
It was back in January last year that Kettlewell founders John and Melissa first raised the idea of the Colour Club. We thought we might end up with a few hundred or a thousand members, who could act as both a focus group and an opportunity for us to provide customer service to those who might be struggling with their colours or style. We ended up delaying the launch for a couple of months for one reason and another, but eventually hit go and I wrote the first welcome post to the Colour Club in early March.
"…the Club as an entity is a really anchoring presence for all these lovely ladies." - Claire
Within weeks of the official launch of the Colour Club, we were all in lockdown, and the group rapidly became so much more for both its members and us at Head Office (or, as we were by then, working from home scattered across the South West of the UK). The group provided comfort, support and nurturing, as well as joy, laughter and moments of downright ridiculousness in a time that was otherwise often grim and more than a little scary, and in the months (and lockdowns) that have followed, it has continued to be so much more than we had ever imagined it would be. The number of members is now heading determinedly for the 6,000 mark, and group members have led the way in shaping the direction and purpose of the group, shaping it into something far more powerful than we ever imagined it could be.
"Inspiration comes from different people on different days: There are the long timers, the frequent posters, the ad hoc’ers, commentators only, the creative posters, the story tellers, the demonstrators, the newbies and so on and so on. They all inspire and brighten my day, every day." - Lynne
As we approach International Women's Day, it seems to us the real joy in the colour club is in the power of women coming together to support, nurture and inspire one another, with no agenda or competition. And doing it all through the power of colour, and of feeling confident and fabulous in our clothes and in our skins. We were particularly struck by this recently when I asked the group to name their most inspiring member, and rather than nominating a woman each, they swiftly created the #everysingleperson hashtag, and reminded us that it’s the collective, rather than a particular individual, that makes this group so special.
"The women in this group demonstrate the much more beautiful truth that we love to celebrate and encourage each other to shine." - Amanda
I could write endlessly on the journeys and transformations that have happened within the group, but some of the examples that spring to mind vary from women exploring colour palettes together, challenging friends within the group to mini colour challenges, supporting one another through medical treatments and bereavement, and celebrating new jobs, grandchildren and (when they’ve been allowed) weddings. And that’s without all the more lighthearted fun we’ve had – from the hugely popular 12 Days of Christmas Challenge to the simple little ‘share your favourite Kettlewell item and the stories behind it’ challenges, and the weekly Friday Facebook Live sessions that have become a chance for me to interact with Colour Club members in real time, often learning as much as I share during the sessions.
"I feel like I am getting to know so many lovely people, and I could turn up on someone's doorstep for a cup of tea and a chat in all parts of the UK, and beyond....I don't know where I'd be without this caring, fun, witty, supportive global community" - Alex
So today, we just want to take a moment to share and celebrate the amazing women who make up the Colour Club, and thank each and every one of them for being a part of something that has helped all of us, Colour Club members and the Kettlewell team alike, come through the past year with positivity and optimism, through the power of colour and community.

"It has been a really positive thing for us all. Somehow a world of colour lifts the mood…" - Linda
Happy first birthday to the Colour Club!
Thank you to #everysingleperson
from Melissa and John
If you would like to join the Kettlewell Colour Club on Facebook, follow this link
Vanessa on Mar 11, 2021 11:59 AM
Perfectly said! It's all about people....and colour comes a pretty close second! xx
Lizzie W on Mar 10, 2021 5:08 PM
Happy 1st Birthday to our Colour Club! Thank you so much everyone at Kettlewell, Melissa, John and Jo, for putting together the idea for this wonderful club and to Rebecca, Diane and Alice for their 'behind the scenes work'.
Thank you to the Colour Club and all those wonderful 'virtual' friends who made last year and continue to make this year more bearable. It's been a truly difficult, lonely time and finding so many real kind and caring friends through this club has been a salvation. Plus - a mention must go to my now burgening wardrobe of gorgeous colourful pieces.
Barbara on Mar 07, 2021 2:33 PM
I use Facebook just for KCC and nothing else. I didn't have a FB account before. The recent Lives covering Style Personality, body shape and wardrobe planning have set us up for the new season.
Joanne on Mar 07, 2021 11:05 AM
What a brilliant idea the KWCC was! So inspirational to be part of it, and it's such a happy, supportive group. Congratulations and thank you 💕
Ellyn Fox on Mar 07, 2021 8:32 AM
I loved reading about the colour club and seeing all your photographs of colour combinations, look forward to.being a member. 🤗
Janice Clarke on Mar 06, 2021 8:09 PM
Congratulations Kettlewell on your 1st birthday
I joined Facebook just to join the KCC. So glad I did. Such a lot of advice and lots of fun.
Margaret Longden on Mar 06, 2021 7:23 PM
What a tonic it has been to see women of all ages, colouring, shapes and sizes wearing Kettlewell clothes and wanting to look their best. It has encouraged me to be super-selective in my purchases and to get rid of things which no longer serve my needs. It’s not vanity, when you know you look the best you can, you can get on with life! All done with humour and kindness. Thanks to all.
Alison on Mar 06, 2021 1:59 PM
Great article! KCC has been a wonderful forum and source of inspiration and companionship during such a difficult year and the KW clothes are so well designed and fabulous colours. Thank you Melissa and Jo particularly for all you do. Onwards and upwards! Xx
di gore on Mar 06, 2021 1:37 PM
Helen H
Why not join for one week
No need to comment or post photos
This group has enriched my life so much
The tips and guidance on bringing more colour into my life was been wonderful and so supportive.
Rebecca Young on Mar 06, 2021 1:34 PM
Happy Birthday Colour Club lovers!
Just loving the friends I've made here all over the World!! So much inspiration, laughter and colours which has really brightened my life over the last year, I thank you all for making my boring life so much happier!!
Becky xxx
Laura on Mar 06, 2021 1:01 PM
Happy birthday Colour Club. Thank you for making my wardrobe more exciting, also less expensive as I now understand what to wear. Thanks! Xxx
Helen H on Mar 06, 2021 11:23 AM
All the Colour Club members look great - You've really done us a favour, Kettlewell. I would love to join but like Jude, I hate Facebook and don't want to have to sign up. Any solution?
Catherine Holland on Mar 06, 2021 10:37 AM
Happy birthday to everyone! Congratulations Melissa and John et al for the way you have handled all of this. I come into the club most days, and as an artist I live and work with colour everyday too. It's so much fun!
LIZ on Mar 06, 2021 7:21 AM
Happy Birthday 🍾🎈🎉
I love the colour club. Everyone is inspiring and friendly. The live sessions are great too.
Keep up the good work Kettlewell x
Stella Plant on Mar 05, 2021 11:21 PM
Happy birthday Kettlewell Colour Club, you have brightened every day of this dismal lockdown. You are my ray of sunshine.
Lucy on Mar 05, 2021 9:14 PM
Thank you Melissa, John, Jo, Diane, Alice, Rebecca and all the Kettlewell team. This club and your fab company has been a bright spot in an otherwise pretty rubbish 12 months x
Sally on Mar 05, 2021 9:00 PM
Just what everyone else has said. A wonderfully written article Jo and congratulations to Melissa and John for the success of KWCC and not only keeping the business going in such incredibly uncertain and stressful times, but making it such a success too. To the ladies of the colour club you truly have become my 'friends in my phone' and I look forward to the day when we might meet in person. Alex...if you ever knock on my door not only will you get a cuppa but quite possibly a choccie biccie too x
Kathy Love on Mar 05, 2021 8:28 PM
This is such a generous, warm post. And so true. I think we ALL would have found the last year much darker, in every sense, without the KW Colour Club. As I scrolled slowly through all the photos I found myself smiling at them all: some were very familiar, people I feel I know well and have become fond of; some were faces I recognised but couldn't immediately name; some I didn't recognise. But they all felt like friends. And in this last year, when so many people have felt they were losing contact with their friends, it's been such a lift to have made so many new friends here.
Jackie McGrady on Mar 05, 2021 8:15 PM
Thank you Melisa & John for this wonderful club where I have made so many lovely virtual friends.
Jude on Mar 05, 2021 7:52 PM
I don’t have or want a facebook account so I’ll never be joining The Colour Club, but this is a lovely article to see all these beautiful ladies in their colourful Kettlewell clothes, they have definitely given me lots of inspiration. Jude x
Helena Hovila on Mar 05, 2021 7:48 PM
I love colours.
Helen Williamson on Mar 05, 2021 5:45 PM
Fabulous blog Love KWCC. An amazing community. Thank you to you Melissa & John & all at KW. This club may have saved my sanity in lockdown too! Hope you can get some time off soon. You must be exhausted! Xxx ❤️👍🌈
Marion on Mar 05, 2021 4:57 PM
Happy 1st birthday to The Colour Club. It’s been a wonderful diversion during a very difficult year. Thank you Kettlewell Colours 💖💖
Josephine on Mar 05, 2021 4:51 PM
Beautifully written! I'm full of gratitude to everyone involved in this club. The cocoon of support, warmth, fun and learning has been a huge contribution to wellbeing, during what could otherwise have been an unbearably challenging and lonely year.